हिन्दी टाइप यहॉ करें।

शनिवार, 15 अक्तूबर 2011

Parsi Festivals

Parsi Festivals

Parsi community is a relatively small community in India compared to Hindus, Parsis or Christians. They mostly are concentrated in Gujarat and Mumbai. It is precisely because of its small number thatParsi festivals are not visible. The Zoroastrian religion is founded on the three tenets of 'Good thoughts, good words andgood deeds.' The Zoroastrians are particular and careful about their religion and their festivals are also structured to reflect the chief aims of Zoroastrianism.

  1. Gahambars
  2. Jamshed Navroz (Parsi New Year)
  3. Khordad Sal
  4. Zarthost No Deeso

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